Erodium pelargoniflorum This erodium is unusual in that it has leaves and flowers which closely resemble pelargoniums. It's taller than most erodiums at around 12". Easy to grow, rewarding and fully hardy. Generally both pest and disease free, making for a wonderfully...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.50
Erodium x variabile ‘Flore Pleno’ A lovely little Erodium. Masses of pink flowers, which can be single, semi-double or fully double, richly veined with darker pink, over a long period from May-Sept. Ideal for front of border. Well drained soil. Sunny position. This low,...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: £4.90 Now: £3.90
Eryngium planum A superb drought-tolerant plant. Grey/sliver and dark blue slender stems carry a large head of many thimble-sized cones each surrounded by a spiny ruff. Often used for cut flower displays and adds winter interest to borders if the flower spikes...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £4.90
Eryngium planum 'Blue Hobbit' 'Blue Hobbit' is a dwarf Eryngium, perfect for the front of a border or a container. Many small, steely blue flowerheads from May to September. Thistle-like foliage. A very tough little plant. Very happy in coastal gardens and very drought-resistant...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £4.90
Eryngium variifolium ‘Miss Marble’ A striking architectural plant with green foliage, marbled with silver. Blue and silver spiky flowers during the summer. Often used for cut flower displays and adds winter interest to borders if the flower spikes are left on. A useful plant for...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £4.90
Erysimum 'Desert Island' 'Desert Island' has golden-yellow flowers, sometimes with feint golden veining, and green wallflower foliage. A neat, compact variety. Native to the eastern Mediterranean, Erysimum cheiri may have come to Britain with Norman stonemasons...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £4.90
Erysimum cheiri Usually bright yellow erysimum flowers and tidy foliage. One of the toughest plants around. Very drought tolerant and hardy. Will occasionally produce flowers of different shades. Native to the eastern Mediterranean, Erysimum cheiri may have...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.50
Erysimum hybridum 'Canaries Yellow' An alpine perennial wallflower which is covered in golden-yellow flowers in spring and through summer. Perfect for a rockery, container or front of border. Will self-seed if seed heads are left on. Native to the eastern Mediterranean,...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £4.90
Erysimum kotschyanum A tough and reliable little evergreen from Turkey which makes dense hummocks of growth to around 20 cms wide or so. The leaves are deepest green small looking like needles along the stems. Flowers are typical brassicaceae in appearance, small but...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £4.90
Euphorbia amygdaloides 'Purpurea' This is the purple-leafed version of the Wood Spurge. Evergreen leaf rosettes bear striking lime-green bracts in late spring and early summer. It looks lovely in spring with dark purple new growth, then new interest in spring and early summer with the...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £4.90
Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae Thrives in poor soil and is perfect for growing under trees where little else will grow. A spreading plant which will form a weed-suppressing ground cover. Dark green glossy foliage with lime-green 'flowers' in spring and early summer. Awarded the RHS...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £4.90
Euphorbia mellifera (Honey Spurge) This tall, handsome, shrubby Euphorbia comes from the Canary Islands, but it is hardy in the UK when established. Honey scented orangey-red 'flowers' in summer, which are popular with bees and butterflies. Pea-like seeds follow. Waxy, narrow, green...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £4.90
Euphorbia x martinii A lovely spurge, bearing dark grey-green rosettes of leaves and in spring, upright bracts in lime-green with a red eye. A hybrid between E. amygdaloides and E. characias. Height and spread: 30cm x 60cm Common name(s): Martin's Spurge IRRITANT...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.50
Eurybia divaricatus (Wood Aster) Thin, shiny black stems topped with frothy sprays of tiny, white, pink-flushed daisies from August to October. One of the first Aster-type flowers to flower. Ideal for growing under trees or shrubs as ground cover, where it will spread...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.50
Festuca glauca 'Azurit' This excellent selection has exceptionally blue foliage. It forms a fine mound of foliage, with golden grass flowers in July and August. It prefers a moist, well drained site in full sun, but has good drought resistance once well established and is happy...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: £4.90 Now: £3.50
Ficaria verna 'Brazen Hussy' This unusual variety has yellow celandine flowers contrasting beautifully with dark bronze polished leaves, early spring. Looks stunning when it forms a good sized clump. Good for under-planting trees and shrubs or alongside a hedge. Also good in large...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.50
Ficaria verna 'Flore Pleno' (Double Celandine) Celandine are one of the delights of early spring and among the first plants to flower. This variety has endless double flowers of lemony-yellow with a lime green centre. Looks magical in spring when carpeted under trees or shrubs. Plants die back...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.50
Ficaria verna 'Fried Egg' (Celandine) Celandine are one of the delights of early spring and among the first plants to flower. This variety has buds that open orange-yellow and then petals fade to white with an orange-yellow centre, making the flower resemble a fried egg. Discovered by...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £6.50
Ficaria verna 'Green Petal' (Celandine) A most unusual celandine which has frilly green petals streaked with hints of lemon. Celandine are one of the delights of early spring and among the first plants to flower. Plants die back to fleshy tubers in May and reappear in January...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.50
Ficaria verna 'Hyde Hall' (Celandine) Celandine are one of the delights of early spring and among the first plants to flower. This variety has beautiful large cream flowers over dark, mottled foliage. Originally discovered in the gardens of RHS Hyde Hall. Looks magical in spring...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.50
Ficaria verna ‘Collarette’ (E.A. Bowles) Bright golden yellow flowers with widely spaced rounded petals around a tight central boss of curved petaloid stamens making a green centre. The foliage is variously marbled and splashed with green, black and pewter. Believed to have been selected by E...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.50
Ficaria verna ‘Coppernob’ (Celandine) Coppernob has orange-yellow celandine flowers contrasting beautifully with near black leaves Looks stunning when it forms a good sized clump. Celandine are one of the delights of early spring and among the first plants to flower. Good for...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.50
Ficaria verna ‘Double Bronze’ (Celandine) Double bronzy-orange flowers with attractive darker markings as they age. Green foliage with lighter markings. Celandine are one of the delights of early spring and among the first plants to flower. Good for under-planting trees and shrubs...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.50
Ficaria verna ‘Salmon White’ (Celandine) One of the best celandines with large, ivory white, flowers above green lightly mottled foliage. Celandine are one of the delights of early spring and among the first plants to flower. Good for under-planting trees and shrubs or alongside a...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.50
Filipendula purpurea 'Plena' (Double Purple Meadowsweet) A beautiful, uncommon double form of the purple Meadowsweet. Tall plumes of double pinky-purple flowers in July and August. Happy in most soils in semi-shade or full sun. Suitable for cut flowers. Height and spread: 90 x 45 cm The name...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.90
Filipendula ulmaria 'Aurea' (Golden Meadowsweet) A golden version of the familiar native summer wildflower which grows freely in meadows and verges and flowers from June into August. This variety is excellent for brightening up a shady spot, although it also grows in sun. Loved by bees, butterflies...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.90
Filipendula ulmaria 'Flore Pleno' (Double Meadowsweet) The difficult to find double flowered form of our native meadowsweet. Creamy-white double flowers from June into August. Suitable for cut flowers. Height and spread: 60 x 45 cm Meadowsweet is known in Yorkshire as Courtship and Matrimony...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.90
Filipendula ulmaria (Meadowsweet) The familiar native summer wildflower which grows freely in meadows and verges and flowers from June into August. Perfect for a wildflower area in the garden. Loved by bees, butterflies and other pollinators. Suitable for cut flowers. Height and...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.90
Filipendula vulgaris (Dropwort) A British native herb usually found in dry flower meadows and verges. Finely cut, ferny, dark green foliage and coral-pink flower buds which open to fluffy cream flower heads on slender stems in June. Excellent for wildflower schemes and equally...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £4.90
Foeniculum vulgare 'Purpureum' (Bronze Fennel) A handsome and sturdy herb with new shoots of copper feathered foliage, deepening to rich bronze. The leaves and seeds are edible and taste of aniseed. Large umbels of small yellow flowers in July and August. Great for the herb bed but also works well...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £4.90
Gaillardia x grandiflora 'Burgunder' Known for attracting pollinators, Gaillardia are fast growing and bloom over a long period. 'Burgunder' puts on a fabulous display of bright red daisy-like flowers on a good-sized clump. Loved by bees and butterflies. Flowers are freely produced...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £4.90
Gaillardia × grandiflora 'Arizona Sun' Known for attracting pollinators, Gaillardia are fast growing and bloom over a long period. 'Arizona Sun' puts on a fabulous display of bright red and yellow daisy-like flowers. Shorter than some varieties, so suitable for containers as well as the...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £4.90
Galium album (Hedge Bedstraw) A British native wildflower found in hedgerows, edges of woods and meadows. Flowers from spring to late summer. Very good for a wildflower area or meadow and will gently self-seed. Loved by bees and pollinating insects. Hedge Bedstraw is similar...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £4.90
Galium odoratum (Ladies-in-the-hay) This British native, low-growing plant makes fantastic carpet-like ground cover under trees and shrubs where little else will thrive, or use it to camouflage the foliage of snowdrops as it fades. Small clusters of star-like, white flowers appear above...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.50
Galium verum (Lady's Bedstraw) A British native wildflower found in meadows across the country, but now sadly much less commonly than previously. Finely cut foliage topped by myriads of tiny golden flowers in June and July which fill the air with a honey scent. Very good for a...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £4.90
Gaura lindheimeri 'The Bride' A superb, long-flowering plant for the border. Pure white flowers, blushed pink, from early summer right through into autumn. A plant for sunny, well-drained situations. The petals turn pinker as they age. The amount of pink on these flowers can...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.50
Geranium cinereum 'Ballerina' A lovely little Haardy Geranium with eye-catching darkly veined flowers. Neat silver-green foliage. An excellent rockery, container or gravel garden plant. Ruffled pink flowers with purple veining and dark centres. Grow in a sunny, well drained spot...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.50
Geranium cinereum subcaulescens Dark magenta pink flowers with a black eye and veins. Neat grey-green foliage. An excellent rockery, container or gravel garden plant. Grow in a sunny, well drained spot. Drought tolerant when established. Loved by bees Height and spread: 15cm x...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.50
Geranium endressii An excellent ground-cover geranium for sun or part-shade. Rose-pink flowers summer to autumn over pretty pale green foliage. Flowers from May to September. Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit Loved by bees Height: 40cm Myth and Legend Apparently,...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.50
Geranium macrorrhizum Dark pink flowers are borne in loose clusters on slender, upright stems above a dense clump of attractive foliage. Flowers over a long period, from May to September. Excellent ground cover for dry shade. Plants form dense, weed...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.50
Geranium macrorrhizum 'Bevan's Variety' An early flowering hardy geranium with evergreen aromatic leaves beneath deep magenta flowers held in clusters. An excellent ground cover plant which is very good for dry shade but will grow equally well in sun and most soils. Deeply cut, semi-evergreen...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.50
Geranium macrorrhizum album White or very soft pink flowers are borne in loose clusters on slender, upright stems above a dense clump of attractive foliage. Flowers over a long period, from May to September. Plants form dense, weed suppressing clumps of green and red...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.50
Geranium phaeum 'Lily Lovell' Rich purple flowers are borne in loose clusters on slender, upright stems above a dense clump of attractive, round mid green leaves. Flowers over a long period, from May to September. Plants form dense clumps of pale foliage which do well even in...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.90
Geranium phaeum album (Dusky cranesbill) The pure white flowers of this hardy geranium really stand out in a shady spot. Useful groundcover for a shady spot, under trees or next to a wall etc. White flowers are borne in loose clusters on slender, upright stems above a dense clump of...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £6.50
Geranium sanguineum ‘Vision Pink’ A low mat-forming Haardy Geranium, making it good ground cover, with eye-catching darkly veined flowers. Masses of light pink saucer-shaped flowers from late spring through summer. The foliage often turns a lovely red in autumn. Happy in full sun or...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.50
Geranium sanguineum ‘Vision Purple’ A low mat-forming Hardy Geranium, making it good ground cover, with eye-catching darkly veined flowers. Masses of purple saucer-shaped flowers from late spring through summer. The foliage often turns a lovely red in autumn. Happy in full sun or partial...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.50
Geranium thunbergii 'Jester's Jacket' A good ground-cover geranium with unusual variegated foliage of green, cream and red. Pink flowers from May to July. Height and Spread: 30 x 60cm Common name(s): Variegated cranesbill 'Jester's Jackets' Myth and Legend Apparently, the...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.50
Geranium x oxonianum 'Claridge Druce' Another great ground cover geranium which is very vigorous. Very happy in dry shade. Will self-seed and spread naturally. Rose pink flowers from May to September. Loved by bees Height: 40cm Common name(s): Cranesbill Myth and Legend Apparently, the...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.50
Geranium x oxonianum ‘Irene Hatwell’ This geranium has been growing at Bressingham for some time but has only recently been named. Neat clumps of pale green leaves and bright single and semi-double pink flowers from May to September. Loved by bees Height: 35cm Common name(s):...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.50
Geranium x oxonianum ‘Wargrave Pink’ A vigorous ground-cover geranium which will thrive in any soil except waterlogged. Very happy in dry shade. Introduced in 1930. Salmon pink flowers from May to September. Loved by bees Height: 40cm Common name(s): Cranesbill Synonym: Geranium...Click here for full details... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.50