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    We have many old and interesting 'pinks', because they are one of my favourite plants and I love the strong clove scent of many of them. This is the latest addition to our range. It's Dianthus 'Tatra ...

    Heritage Pinks (Dianthus)(Post)

    The wonderful variety of heritage pinks (Dianthus). They make long-lasting cut flowers and the scent is heavenly. These are cut from our stock plants and are currently brightening up the office.View ...

    Pinks available now(Post)

    Dianthus, Old Fashioned Pinks, Gillyflowers - whatever you call them, there's nothing like the scent of them in the garden, and many are good for the vase too. Here are just a few that are available ...

    Pink Dandelions in flower now(Post)

    Pink dandelions always cause a double-take in the garden. These plants are identical to our native dandelion but they come from central Asia and the blooms are an attractive pale pink with a golden c ...

    Dianthus 'Messines Pink'(Post)

    This is Dianthus 'Messines Pink', one of the Mule Pinks, dating from before 1933. There is a story told of this 'pink' which is that a soldier, wounded in the Messines Ridge area, was found holding a ...

    A workhouse 'pink'(Post)

    Danthus 'Brympton Red' is a beautiful pink and one that we can trace back to its humble origins, growing in a workhouse garden. It was spotted in the Beaminster workhouse garden by Lady Lilian Digby ...

    Article on Old Fashioned Pinks(Post)

    We were pleased to be asked to write an article on Heritage Pinks for the Rare Plant Fair website and newsletter this month. Available to read now! Read more...

    Dainthus 'Allspice'(Post)

    We were very pleased to be reunited with this 17th century pink earlier in the year, thanks to the generosity of a kind customer. Dianthus 'Allspice' has always been popular but, like so ma ...

    Dianthus 'Hope'(Post)

    This is Dianthus 'Hope' - an Old Fashioned Pink dating from 1946 and its name probably reflected the feelings of hope following the end of the war. Now very rare, like a lot of the old pinks, bu ...

    Dianthus Monty Allwood(Post)

    I had to cut these flowers off Dianthus 'Monty Allwood' while taking cuttings. They're beautiful and the scent is heavenly. No vases at the nursery so a plastic cup will have to do! Plants coming soo ...

    Japanese Anemones(Post)

    Japanese anemones make a wonderful show in late summer and autumn. Tall stems of white or pink flowers stand above attractive green foliage, which is very drought tolerant.  We have some growin ...

    Hollyhocks and Faeries(Post)

    Hollyhocks are the archetypal English (and wider UK!) cottage garden plant which has been loved for centuries. Gerard’s Herbal (1597) notes: “These Hollihockes are sowne in gardens, almost every wher ...

    Spotlight on: Penstemons(Post)

    Spotlight on: Penstemons If you’re looking at your border in late summer and need to add some instant colour, Penstemons are the answer. Plant in groups of three or five for impact. Most border ...

    Spotlight on: Chrysanthemum(Post)

    Spotlight on: Chrysanthemum Chrysanths, or Mums, like Asters are invaluable for adding late summer and autumn colour to extend interest in the borders. They start flowering late into the season ...

    Spotlight on: Everlasting Sweet Peas(Post)

    We love Sweet Peas but they are a bit of a bother. Because they are annuals we need to sow seed each year, find a suitable place to plant them, feed them and train them up suitable netting. By late s ...

    Spotlight on: Foxgloves(Post)

    The native foxglove, Digitalis purpurea, is one of the most familiar of our wild flowers and its association with man is long and complex. Digitalin, which is extracted from it, is a powerful pois ...

    Exciting Foxgloves(Post)

    Continuing on from our earlier 'Spotlight on Foxgloves' post, today we have added six additional exciting varieties to our offering. Digitalis cariensis trojana - a beautiful and rare foxglov ...

    Beautiful wildflowers(Post)

    Our British native plants have some of the prettiest flowers. This is Dropwort (Filipendula vulgaris), which has coral-pink buds which open to beautiful fluffy white flowers. Eminently suited to our ...

    Perennial Sweet Pea(Post)

    Lathyrus chilensis is a stunning perennial sweet pea. A vigorous plant, it will climb a structure or sprawl through a mixed bed and is covered in masses of pink flowers for much of the summer. I ...

    Japonese Anemones(Post)

    Japanese anemones are wonderful plants for late summer and autumn flowers. Tall, multi-branched stems over lush green foliage hold many long-lasting large flowers in pink or white. These plants ...