Plant Overview
A statuesque late-spring flower with spires of creamy-white flowers which last for a long time.
Bees love the flowers and they're largely untroubled by slugs and snails.
Their sturdy stems don't need staking and they make good cut flowers.
Camassias hail from damp meadows and woodland edges in the Pacific Northwest of the US. They were once a food staple for native Indian tribes and were called 'kamas'.
Happy in any soil that isn't permanently waterlogged. Good drought resistance when established. Plant in borders on in containers.
Height and Spread: 45cm x 20cm
Common name(s): Wild White Hyacinth; Camas; Quamash; Indian hyacinth; Camash.
Please note: This is a spring bulbous plant. The foliage dies back to the ground in late spring/early summer and shoots again the following year (like daffodils). If you order it at any time other than early spring, the foliage will be either be dying back, or not showing. This is natural and not a problem!
Photo: Courtesy of The Hardy Plant Society