
Shire Plants Blog

Enjoying a wet summer

Enjoying a wet summer

13th Aug 2023

What a difference a year makes. This time last year we were in the middle of one of the driest years in memory, and we didn't end up having any decent rain until late autumn. This year we've had above … read more


13th Jul 2023

Lotus corniculatus is one of our wonderful native perennial wildflowers from the pea family. Widespread and found in all kinds of grassy places, from lawns to downlands, roadside verges to heathlands, … read more
​Lady's Bedstraw

​Lady's Bedstraw

1st Jul 2023

Lady's Bedstraw is a British native wildflower found in meadows across the country and in Europe, but now sadly much less commonly than previously. Finely cut foliage topped by myriads of tiny golden … read more
The Sound of Music

The Sound of Music

15th Jun 2023

Did you know that the song Edelweiss in The Sound of Music is about a real plant? Leontopodium alpinum (Edelweiss) is an alpine from the high mountains of Europe. Its flowers and foliage are cov … read more
Tidy alternative to Cow Parsley

Tidy alternative to Cow Parsley

10th May 2023

Chaerophyllum azoricum is very much like a tidy, well-behaved cow parsley. This rare plant heralds from the Azores Islands and makes an excellent border plant in any garden. Bees and other pollinators … read more
Perennial Wallflowers

Perennial Wallflowers

10th Apr 2023

Now is a good time to plant perennial Wallflowers (Erysimum) for a good display of flowers this year and for several years to come. Mention perennial Wallflower and most people think of the ubiquitous … read more
Penstemons Available Now.

Penstemons Available Now.

24th Mar 2023

Penstemons are reliable summer-flowering perennials with semi-evergreen foliage in winter and a flowering season from summer into autumn. They bring welcome colour to the garden and are loved by bees … read more
March Newsletter

March Newsletter

12th Mar 2023

Our latest newsletter is out now. Nursery news and details of some interesting spring plants. You can view it here if you're not a subscriber. … read more


9th Mar 2023

A light covering of snow at the nursery this morning. The heaviest snow just skirted us fortunately. … read more