
Shire Plants Blog

Viola sororia 'Freckles'

Viola sororia 'Freckles'

9th Apr 2020

Viola sororia 'Freckles' has just started flowering so I've taken a photo to update the details on the website. I just love these flowers. The sororia violas are great because they start flowering jus … read more
True Primrose

True Primrose

6th Feb 2020

I potted up these primroses (Primula vulgaris) late in the autumn and they are just beginning to flower now. Although you can buy hybrid primulas of every colour under the sun these days, these true B … read more
Viola 'Dick 'o the Hills'

Viola 'Dick 'o the Hills'

21st Jan 2020

This is Viola odorata 'Dick o' the Hills', a sweet violet which has just started flowering and should be flowering strongly through to late spring. I like to think it was named after a wizened old she … read more
Ficaria verna 'Brazen Hussy'

Ficaria verna 'Brazen Hussy'

12th Feb 2019

I love the contrast of the bright yellow flowers against the dark brown polished leaves of this celandine, which look metallic in certain light. A perfect plant to brighten up the late winter/early sp … read more
Spotlight on: Celandines

Spotlight on: Celandines

30th Dec 2018

Spotlight on: Celandine Celandine are one of the delights of early spring and among the first plants to flower in the countryside. They are delightful little flowers and true harbingers of spr … read more